- docker에 mysql8을 설치하고
해당 env처럼 ROOT_PASSWORD를 설정했으나 접속이 안됐다.
DB의 인코딩 문제일줄 알았지만 아니었고
해결 방법은 volume을 삭제해야 적용되는 것이었다.
---------- 해결못함 ----------
1. docker volume 삭제
docker volume prune
2. database service volume 삭제
docker volume rm mysql8
3. 컨테이너 다운, volume 제거
docker-compose down --volumes
---------- 해결못함 ----------
---------- 해결 방법 ----------
mysql-init.sql 파일을 만들어서
docker mysql이 실행시 해당 query가 실행되게 해서 root 패스워드 변경 성공!!
Reset root MySQL password in Docker

Bummer 🤬
Recently I had to restore a MySQL backup from a client. The backup was the Docker and MySQL files. Unfortunately the password was unknown and I had to reset it.
On the internet I found a lot of tutorials on how to do it if the MySQL server is on your local machine. Unfortunately, none helped me with the dockerized version. So here I compiled the steps to do it.
So, I had the following (simplified) docker-compose.yml file:
image: mysql:5.6
- '3306:3306'
- ./storage/docker/mysql:/var/lib/mysql
We need to create a mysql-init.sql file with the SQL queries to reset the root password. Tip: this file can contain all kind of queries. Note: if you are using MySQL 5.6 or older, you need to replace `authentication_string` with `Password`.
USE mysql;
UPDATE user SET authentication_string=PASSWORD('YOURNEWPASSWORD') WHERE User='root';
Now, change the docker-compose.yml to mount the file in the docker container.
# ...
# ...
- ./mysql-init.sql:/tmp/mysql-init.sql
To reset the root user’s password it is necessary to run the following commands.
# stop the container if it is running
docker-compose stop mysql# enter the docker container without starting mysql server
docker-compose run mysql bash# start the MySQL server with the init file previously created
mysqld_safe --init-file=/tmp/mysql-init.sql &# wait 10 seconds for the server to finish starting up# test if the password has been changed
mysql -u root -p
# type the new password
참고 URL : https://marin-binzari.medium.com/reset-root-mysql-password-in-docker-d961c71285e4
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